We would love for you to partner with us here at Oasis Church for our annual Buy A Tree Change A Life event. The heart and purpose of this event are to help children globally & locally. We are able to do that through a direct partnership with People For Care and Learning in Cambodia and Casa Shalom in Guatemala. At the local level, through Buy A Tree Change A Life, we’re able to provide Christmas for underprivileged children in our community, backpacks and supplies at the start of the school year for students, and game day meals for our local football team. We also partner with Hope House to provide birthday parties for children whose mothers are rehabilitating from substance abuse and mental disorders. The Bible teaches us that we can do more together than we can on our own. The last eight years that we have been a part of Buy A Tree Change A Life are a perfect example of that as we raised more than $403,000, and ALL of it went directly to
benefit children!
Understanding our opportunity for impact, we ask that you consider partnering with us this year for our ninth season.
We will be hosting the event on our property off Highway 25 (Peach Orchard Rd) beginning November 21st until we sell out of Christmas trees.
We are asking local business owners, friends, and friends of friends to partner with us to raise as much money as possible. Whether through being a partner or being one of our friends who generously pay too much for their tree - we need your help!
Please consider partnering with us for this great cause.
There are multiple levels of business partnership. We need the following…
Presenting partners= $5000
Tent partners= $3,000
T-Shirt partners= $1,000
Event partners= $1,000
Participating partners = $100-$500
If you would like to partner with us to help us make Buy A Tree Change A Life 2022 our best season yet, let us know by selecting the level you are interested in sponsoring. Complete the information, and we will contact you.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us by emailing or contacting us at (706) 592-2904.
We thank you so much for your consideration, and we pray God’s best for you!